We were at the city docks, parked next to a large yacht. The men carried me onboard and then below deck to a sleeping cabin where I was laid on a bed.

"Leave us," said a deep male voice and my abductors left the cabin.

I turned my head and saw a man of about sixty years of age. He had the features of a Greek or a Turk. His head was covered with short, white hair and he had a small, white mustache. He was wearing a smoking jacket and was looking at me with a hungry expression on his face.

"Please," I begged, "Please tell me what's going on."

He came over and sat next to me on the bed, placing his hand on my silk clad legs and gently caressing me.

"To put it simply, my Dear, you have been shanghaied." "Shanghaied?"

"Yes, my Dear, it does still happen, you know. I have kidnaped you and you are mine now," he said, continuing to stroke my thighs. "I am going to take you back to my harem and you will join my household as wife number seventeen.'

"That's impossible!"

"On the contrary," he said. "I have come to this country every year for the past ten years, and every year I have gone home with a new wife to share in the chores of my household and the delights of my bed. This year I am going home with a wife of exceptional beauty and a voice like an angel!"

"But you don't understand," I said, growing desperate. I could hear the boat's engines being started up. "I'm not really a girl! I just look like one!"

His hands stopped stroking my thighs.

"Can this be true?" he asked.

He reached under my petticoat and put his hand down into my bloomers where it came into contact with my traitoriously stiffening penis!

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